Saturday, August 13, 2011

The World' Easiest Dip

I went to a lovely gathering this evening, and there, on the refreshment table, I came in contact with the most delightful cheesy dip.... The cook told me a secret....
It's only 3 ingedients!!!!
All you need is:
1 package italian sausage
1 container tomatoes with chilis
1 box (8 oz) cream cheese
Toss it in the crock pot on low, and several hours later, you have the most delicious dip that will have your guests raving!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Deliciously Easy Cheesecake

Oh my goodness! I just had the most delicious cheesecake! The girl who made it said the recipe is rediculously easy, so I just had to share!
All you do is:
spread a log of choc chip cookie dough onto a pie plate.
mix one egg, one cup sugar, one box softened crm cheese, and pour onto crust.
Bake at 350 for twenty minutes. cool and serve.
Now thats my kind of cooking!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep cool without going broke

Need to cool down but dont want the expense of AC?
Here are three things you can do to enconomically keep cool.
One. Keep windows closed at night and open during the day. This keeps the cool air in and the hot out.
Two. Keep your shades and curtains closed during the day. This keeps the sun from overheating the room.
Three. Keep fans going at all times. They use less energy than AC and will make you feel cool.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Clotted Cream - Easy and Delicious!

Have you ever heard of clotted cream? I believe it is an English dish. It is SOOOO rich and Creamy, and simple to make!
1 qt milk
1 pt heavy whipping cream

Let sit in metal bowl covered with a towel (preferably in a double broiler) for 48 hours.
After 48 hours, heat in double broiler to 190 degrees F. Keep at 190 for 30 minutes (NO STIRRING!!)
Put in fridge till room temp.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fresh veggies are cheap and easy!

Spring is in the air, and so is a chance to save some real cash on groceries! grow your own! Here is a fool proof and incredibly cheap way to grow your own leafy greens:
For beginners, purchase some seeds to leafy greens (spinach, kale, mustard greens, etc). They are usually $1.00 or less.
Broadcast (throw) them on the ground where you want them to grow. Leave them there until they grow. No digging required.
For intermediate gardeners, you can purchase your plants at a farmer's hardware store, Lowe's, etc.
Till up your garden. Follow the instructions for how deep to dig, how far to space each plant, and how much lighting each plant needs, on the tag for the item. Easy huh?
For gardeners who like a challenge, purchase seed packs, (early in the year). Till up the garden. Follow the instructions for planting the seeds, as is stated on each pack.
Tip: If you want HUGE plants, when you dig your hold, place a handful of lime, and a handful of fertilizer in first. Then cover with a layer of dirt. (The layer of dirt is important! If you do not have a layer of dirt, you will burn your plant's roots.) Then add your plant, and cover. You will have large plants, and lots of veggies!