Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Save Money, Grow a Garden!

When I was growing up, my mother was an avid gardener. Fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants. You name it, and she grew it. Maybe that's where I get my love of gardening from. Or, maybe its just because I'm thrifty and like to save money. Whichever the case, my husband and I save literally hundreds of dollars on our grocery bill every year by growing our own fruits and vegetables. Each day I get a basket full of veggies from our backyard.

I cook as many as possible in our dinner each night, and can the rest for the Winter time. (Waste no, want not, right??)

Gardening may or may not be for you, but why not try it out? Even if you just have a few of tomato plants in some flower pots on your porch. It will be well worth it!