"What is so awesome about vinegar???" you may ask. Well, I know that I am constantly trying to economize, and let's face it, who isn't?! So I am going to let you in on a little secret... Vinegar is very inexpensive, and can be used to clean just about ANYTHING in your home.
Here are 15 practical and fun ways you can make your life easier with vinegar:
1 Clean stainless steel by wiping with vinegar.
2 Add 1/2 cup vinegar to water in your tea kettle and let sit overnight. No more build up!
3 Make buttermilk (the sour kind). Add a dash of vinegar to 1 cup of milk.
4 Add vinegar to your dishwasher to prevent water spots and soap scum on your dishes (this works also if you hand wash your dishes like I do. Just add a bit of vinegar to the rinse water).
5 Clean formica countertops till they shine with distilled vinegar.
6 Discourage fruit flies by sitting out a little distilled white vinegar near the problem area.
7 Remove soap scum from your bathtub, shower curtains, and tile with vinegar.
8 Brighten your clothes by adding a half cup or so of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle. (apple cider vinegar may stain pourous surfaces)
9 Discourage your cat from any area by spraying with undilluted distilled white vinegar. (They don't like the smell.)
10 Get rid of weeds and grass in unwanted areas by pouring undilluted white distilled vinegar on them.
11 Clean your birdbath with distilled white vinegar, and rinse well.
12 Wash fresh veggies with distilled white vinegar and water
13 Distilled white vinegar and oil makes a great salad dressing
14 Add a dash of white vinegar to your water when boiling eggs to keep them from cracking
15 Vinegar and water makes a great facial toner!